Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Clean Eating.... whhhhhaaaaa!?!?!?!

Clean Eating… whhhhhaaa??

Okay, don’t be scared. When I first heard of “clean eating” I seriously pictured myself munching on carrots all day long, putting green junk in a blender and gagging it down.  I almost said…. Heck no, I am not going to do that “clean eating crap”. But it is a LOT better than that. When you think of clean eating think: minimally processed foods, ingredients that you can pronounce & recognize, a lean diet (lean proteins, etc), water, you don’t have to give up coffee if you don’t want to, but maybe you could try to switch to green tea, but if you can’t- drink coffee! It’s okay!

Why I switched from WW to Clean Eating. Don’t get me wrong, WW is great in theory, you get a certain amount of points to consume per day, and you are encouraged to eat veggies and fruits, as well as your recommended daily water. The only trap that I fell into was, “oh I have 10 points left, I can have a slice of pizza”  OR I would want McDonalds, and I would only have a few spare points for the day. That grease was not going to help me when I did 50 crunches that night. Now that I eat clean, I can see my abs! Do I still have a cheat day? Yes, I personally allow myself to. I am human. This is completely up to you, if you feel you need one, or would do better without one. I recommend the first 30 days to try without so you an create the habit. It takes 21 days to create a habit, you know!
As far as WW, I didn’t use it properly, I always felt tired. Yes, I did lose weight, but I was still eating junk. I have seriously transformed my body and kept off 30 lbs for almost a whole year now. I value the Clean Eating lifestyle, because you can still eat yummy foods… just better versions of them. I have WAY more energy, have improved my metabolism, and I learned: the only way to actually see what your body is capable of is by eating the foods that it deserves! I am no longer focused on a target point system, but rather healthy meals throughout the day. Each body is different, and I have learned this is what mine needs. I suppose you could use WW and Clean Eating! Totally up to you!

So why did I do this? I heard wonderful things about it, and I didn’t want to just “look better”, I wanted to feel better too! I didn’t want to give up yummy stuff, but I definitely wanted healthier versions of yummy stuff. Here is what I learned: Our metabolism can slow down or speed up based on what we put in our body. Eating clean is one way to accomplish a change in our metabolism for the better, which is a VERY good thing.

Pages to check out: He & She Eat Clean, Jamie Eason Recipes,

There is a Clean Eating Magazine (to be honest I have never used it)

2 books I love: PUSH by Chalene Johnson & The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno (the winner of the challenge gets their choice of 1 of these books).

Here is the easiest way to explain it:

1)             Consume 6 to 7 small meals per day (200-300 calories) WHY? You need to keep your metabolism going.

2)            Start your day with protein

3)            Eat more dark green veggies

4)            Consume Minimal Processed foods

5)            Drink plenty of water and avoid carbonated beverages (8-10, 8oz glasses daily).

6)            Minimal refined sugar, soy and dairy.

7)            0.7  Grams of protein daily times your body weight in KG (calculate your body weight in KG and multiply)

8)             Ask how it is prepared when ordering/ eating out

9)             Healthy fats (avocado, evoo, almonds & nuts)

10)       Figure out how much you take in and how much you put out (my fitness pal)


“You don’t have to give up meat, or bread! I suggest finding a sprouted grain bread. Like: Ezekiel (frozen organic aisle) 1 loaf can stretch a few weeks (for me at least as I don’t eat it every single day). Sprouts and sprouted-grain products are more readily digested than your typical store-bought loaf of whole-grain bread. In addition, their nutritional profile is high in fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. It is the cooked form of wheat that causes mucus congestion, allergic reactions, constipation, and bowel irritability. When wheat is sprouted the starch is converted to simple sugars and this has no negative effects on the digestive tract” (Reno, 2009).


Here are some more tips from Tosca Reno “The Eat-Clean Diet”


1)             Eat more- 6 small meals a day

2)            Eat breakfast every day, within an hour of rising.

3)            Eat a combo of lean protein and complex carbs at each meal.

4)            Eat sufficient (2-3 servings) of healthy fats every day.

5)            Drink 2-3 liters of water each day

6)            Carry a cooler packed with Clean foods each day.

7)            Depend on fresh fruits and veggies for fiber, vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes.

8)             Adhere to proper portion sizes.


1)             All over-processed foods, particularly white flour and sugar.

2)            Avoid chemically charged foods.

3)            Avoid foods containing preservatives.

4)            Avoid artificial sugars.

5)            Avoid artificial foods (such as processed cheese slices)

6)            Avoid saturated and trans fats

7)            Avoid sugar-loaded beverages, including colas and juices.

8)             Avoid (or do your best to limit) alcohol intake.

9)             Avoid all calorie-dense foods containing little or no nutritional value. (Reno calls them “anti-foods”)

10)       Avoid super-sizing your meals.
Resources: PUSH by Chalene Johnson (2011). The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno (2009).


Monday, September 17, 2012

Pick up a weight, I dare ya.....

Go hard or go home… yes, ladies… I mean you…

To find me lifting a weight in my early twenties would have been a rare occasion. Here is what my workout “routine” (if you can even consider this a “routine”) consisted of: Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds DVD’s, Occasional walks outside in the summer, 20 minutes on the Elliptical at the local “hole in the wall” gym that I got a free membership to for attending our local community college. When I was really motivated, I would go for a jog (but never in the winter), use 2 lb. dumbbells in the occasional aerobics classes at the gym, and sporadically attend Pilates at the gym.

I once bought one of those big stability balls and vowed to do 100 crunches every day because I read in an article once that Britney Spears did like 500 per day. Crazy, I know.

This was my logic, do what other people do that look good, even if it sounds ridiculous & continue doing cardio until you hit your goal weight, and then pick up those 2 lb. dumbbells to really start toning and getting some definition. There was NO WAY in heck I wanted to build “muscle over fat”, and get all “big”. All crazy myths I lived by, while never achieving anything besides hitting that goal weight (but feeling pretty crappy and lethargic all the time). How many times did the owner at the gym tell me during my annual health test, “women need to stop being afraid of strength training, it boosts your metabolism, and makes your cardio workouts more effective”. Obviously this went in one ear and out the other.

It wasn’t until this past year, when I wised up. Something must happen when you almost hit 30. Oh yeah, that’s right, you stop being so stubborn, and become more open-minded to learning again. If only I could go back to the owner at that gym, and say, “look at me now! I finally listened to your advice”. I don’t know if he’d be thrilled, or annoyed to know it took only 8 years for me to “get it”.

Here is the thing ladies… no matter what your goal is, to lose weight (anything from 5- 100 lbs.), to get some definition and “tone”, we need:

1)     Be open-minded to learning

2)     Dis-spell irrational thoughts and myths about “strength training”

3)     Commit to 2- 3 days per week of strength training (30-60 minutes)

4)     Identify the positives to strength training

5)     Put all of the above into action


I can’t tell you how to do #1 on this list; it is something that will need to come from you when you are ready.

With that being said, let’s start with #2: “Dis-spell irrational thoughts and myths about “strength training”. Here were some of mine:

a) Strength training will “bulk” me up and make me look “manly”.

b) I will build “muscle over fat”

c) The number on the scale will go up because muscle weighs more than fat.

d) Light weights + Lots of Reps= sculpted body.

NOW it is your turn: (use mine or write down your own)





I also can’t tell you how to do #3, or enforce it. I’d like to think I could all jump in to check on you at home or at the gym to make sure you are committed, but that may be going a little too far. I’ll trust you to believe that you have now identified this as important, and will put your goal into action!

What I can do though, is suggest that you get a calendar and schedule these workouts in as non-negotiable appointments. Don’t use the excuse of “I have no time” because I don’t care how busy we are, we can make the time (ie- cancel other events, or appointments that can wait, or rearrange things to squeeze in some time). Shoot for just 2 days per week (30 mins each to start).

Now we have #4: Identify the positives to Strength Training. And no, meeting a hot meat head at the gym is not one of them (well maybe, if you are single that is)… Here are the real positives:

a)     Strength training is scientifically proven to provide the most effective results for fat loss.

b)    As we get older, our metabolism slows down (sad, but true), the only way to combat this is through Strength Training. Guess what? We aren’t getting as much out of our cardio routines when that metabolism slows down, but if we are strength training, we are!

c)     “Though any strength training is beneficial, slow, controlled reps working to create momentary failure in less than 12 reps is one of the best ways to improve muscular strength and therefore reduce body fat”.

d)    Helps us become more effective with functional, everyday activity. Ie: Carrying groceries, carrying the baby, lifting boxes, moving furniture, going up or down stairs, etc.
(Johnson, Chalene. PUSH. 2011).

Okay, your turn, what do you see positive about strength training (now that you know some of your “past thoughts” were myths) :





And lastly, # 5: Again, something you will have to do on your own… but if Strength Training is something brand new to you here are a few suggestions on how to get started: Take a “pump” or “strength training” group exercise class. Ask about beginners. Set up a session or two with a personal trainer who can help develop a tailored routine for you, once you have learned the routine, you can do it on your own. There is a WONDERFUL at home workout program that I suggest if you have a few dumbbells at home (I suggest getting a 5 lb. pair for warm-ups, an 8 to 10 lb pair, and potentially there is a set at Wal-Mart that goes up to 20 lbs.). This program is called: ChaLEAN Extreme. The workouts are about 35 mins each. You will learn proper form, and begin seeing changes in your body quickly. You’ll be astonished at the lbs. you will be able to lift after a few weeks. A great book to use as a guide is PUSH by Chalene Johnson- where she will give you a routine you can do at home starting on page 211.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

How I "Shake my Shake"

I never used to be a "drink a shake" type of girl. In fact, my experiences with shakes were disgusting to say the least. My second year in college I was working at Rite Aid where we sold "Slim Fast" . I thought, "what the heck, I'll give it a shot" and attempted to try and lose 10 lbs. I had to drink this nasty watered down shake for 2 meals a day, and that was a joke. It didn't fill me up & I believe I ended up gaining weight because I would binge from being so hungry at the end of the day.

My second and third attempts were not specifically a "let's drink a shake everyday" type of experience. I was working and going to school, and we had a gym in our town (that I could not afford a membership to) that sold some pretty decent shakes. I would do my workout at the "hole in the wall" gym, then drive to the nice gym to buy a yummy shake for a post-workout snack. They weren't too bad... they used "Myoplex Lite" and mixed things like blueberries and they even had an apple pie recipe in the fall. These were simply "once in-awhile" shakes. The shake did provide me with protein, and was lite in calories, however, it certainly was not a meal by any means. My third attempt was getting some shakes at the weight watchers meetings so I could use them when I had a sweet tooth. Again, not a meal by any means.

Finally, I discovered Shakeology that is produced by Beachbody. I wasn't specifically looking for a weight loss or protein shake, but I joined a weight loss challenge in the fall of 2011. It came with my package, and I thought, FINE! I'll drink it! (Definitely not enthused by the thought of it). After 1 week of drinking it faithfully for breakfast, I could not believe the difference. I had more energy, it literally filled me up that whole entire morning, I can't describe it all... but it was just this healthier feeling! It really kept me on track throughout the whole day. And guess what? I didn't have to drink it for 2 meals a day, ONLY 1. So here I was, losing weight, feeling better & I still had no clue what I was drinking, I just knew it was working, tasted yummy and I was feeling amazing. It was a month or so later, that I finally realized what I was putting in my body. I had NO CLUE!!! The shake was loaded with vitamins & minerals (enough for a daily multivitamin)! It also had the equivalent nutrients of 4 to 5 servings of fruits & veggies. There was 17 grams of protein & no artificial sweeteners. Fiber, and then all of these "super foods" that we can't even get from our regular health foods. You can read more about all these "super foods" and what they do for you here:

So I continued on the shake, and then they came out with a "New Formula" with even more super foods and less sugar. The sugar is found in the shake is from the steevia plant and they reduced it from a significant 9grams per shake to 3 grams. The taste suddenly changed.. however, I challenge you to a taste test between Shakeology and MRM Veggie protein powder (which we do store in our house for emergencies when we run out of shakeology), and let me know your opinion. Shakeology still wins the taste test in my books. And if you have never had the old version with the 9grams of sugar, you would never know the difference. The reason the company did this was because, sugar is sugar no matter what form... and they vow that Shakeology is your healthiest meal per day. How could they stick by the vow, if they continued to give us 9 grams of sugar per serving. If we have more sugar, we crave more... so to reduce the sugar was the best thing they could do for us! In addition... the reason the company has not come out with a "Vanilla" version like other competitors is because they can not formulate the flavor of vanilla naturally like chocolate. They would have to add artificial items to get the taste to par with all of the super foods the shake packs in it. I thank the company for sticking to their guns.

Other shakes on the market that I will not mention.. but you may have heard about them through challenges they host as well are packed with artificial ingredients, cost just as much (may appear to be cheaper per bag... but remember, you have to drink 2 per day instead of 1 therefore will probably have to get 2 bags), and most do suggest 2 per day.

Shakeology is not only a great shake for weight loss but it can be an after workout snack (for those looking to just maintain weight).... or you can do a half a scoop instead of a full scoop. Use it for your own goals and health... not just for weigh loss.

PHEW with all that being said.. Shakeology is the BEST investment I have ever made in my health, and with the combination of clean eating (to the best of my ability) and working out... I have lost a tad over 30 lbs (most of which was done in 90 days).... and I am quickly approaching the 1 year mark of when I started my challenge, and I have not gained any weight back (with the exception of occasionally fluctuation 3-4 lbs). 


8oz unsweetened (SILK) vanilla almond milk (30 calories)
1 scoop or 1 single serve pack Chocolate Shakeology
Handful or 2 of Ice
4-5 Frozen Strawberries (??30 calories)??
1.5 TBSP PB2 or Just great stuff Powdered PB (30 calories)
1 TBSP Butterscotch FF/SF pudding mix (I know, artificial... but for now it helps me adjust to the new taste... eventually I'll eliminate this ingredient)> :)

Blend & Shake 2 cycles. Makes a 20-24 oz shake


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Master your Master Food Prep

OKAY, I'll admit... the first time I heard about someone doing a once per week "Master Food Prep", I thought to myself... "those damn over achievers"! The past few weeks I have been grabbing unhealthy items for lunches, snacking on things I shouldn't be all due to not having the time to prepare anything healthy. THIS is one of people's biggest barriers when it comes to hitting their health goal.... time!

I came to the realization that if I dedicate 1 hour per week for food prep, in the long run it is going to save me a ton of time, hassle, reduce my stress, etc. The thought of prepping however, stressed me out!!!

I decided to do the dreaded task and see if it'd be helpful, and to see how difficult it actually was. I wrote down a couple ideas for lunches/ dinners/ breakfast & snacks. This is what I decided on: Healthy Egg Salad, Avocado Mix (for wraps), Turkey Spaghetti with whole wheat pasta, Cucumbers, and fresh cut veggies (green peppers, etc), and Steel Cut Oats (Cinnamon Apple recipe for the Crock Put from He & She Eat Clean). Snacks: Chick Pea Chips, and Oatmeal Cookies.

Now, this will not be the entire week... I also have some "on - hand" items that are easy like: 100 calorie pack almonds, Kashi Frozen Waffles, and a Protein Cereal from Aldis that I consider to be a great / cheap staple in the pantry: Millville Get Balance Cereal. In addition, another great item from Aldi's Fit & Active Chicken (frozen).

I also have spinach, and supplies for quick salads, as well as my Shakeology and Protein Shake Supply (which is another quick/ easy item).

I started my prep at 4:30pm, and was done by 5:30pm. I even ate a portion of the Spaghetti for dinner tonight, and put the left overs in the containers for this week.

Try to get a few things started together. For example: I boiled my eggs for the egg salad, and had the sauce going for the spaghetti at the same time.

While those were boiling/ simmering I chopped the celery and onion for the egg salad, and chopped some cucumbers for the week. I also had time to do the avocado mixture for the wraps.

Here are some key items that make prep fast and easier:

1)  A nice chopping knife
2) Pampered Chef (or any other brand) food chopper.
3) Crock Pot
4) Cheap re-usable containers (the ones I got were like 4 for $2 at wal-mart)
5) Full stocked spice rack
6) Dry Erase markers to label the containers and put the date on them
7) Baggies (snack size and sandwich size)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Pretty Girl Shake it!

As I was sitting here on a Friday Night. I asked Chris- "Any ideas on a new blog post"? And he said, "yeah, why don't you write about different shakes". I thought for a moment, "great idea". I pictured this beautifully written, informative, helpful blog- then thought about it for another second and had a different reaction, "Holy crap" this will be no easy feat!

The best place to start is with the very first shake I ever tried: Slim Fast. This shake is basically a meal replacement. I was in a desperate attempt to lose 10 lbs in a week in my 1st or 2nd year after high school. I worked at Rite Aid, and thought what the heck, I'll give it a shot. Drinking it from the can made me gag. The powder mix was more tolerable- but to replace 2 meals per day with this?= Pure Torture. The purpose of the shake is to basically help you control caloric intake. I had no energy to workout and was so hungry, I actually snacked more and gained weight. I am sure this shake has worked for some, but for me, not so much. As I looked more into it, it only provided 1/3 of my daily vitamins, contained high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, artificial sources to make particular flavors, and hydrogenated soybean oil- all not so good things! Especially since it is suppose to be a meal!

My 2nd exposure to a "shake" was at a local gym (which I could not afford a memebership at). I would go to this gym after my workout at the cheaper gym for a tasty myoplex lite shake. These were far better tasting then slim fast- but I used them mainly as a snack. I always odered the smaller size- but there is no way I could've eaten even the larger size for a meal. It was more of a drink to me. As far as how I felt- it always helped me after workouts. No complaints. For some reason though, I couldn't make them as good as the gym made them when I bought the powder to use at home.

Exposure #3- weight watchers meal replacement shakes. These were sold at the weekly meetings. Although tasty, definately not very filling!

Shakeology was my 4th exposure to the "shake world" when I started a 90 day Beachbody Challenge in November 2011. I was totally freaked out that I was going to have to drink a shake for 1 meal per day for 90 days... especially with horrible past shake experiences. I read a lot of reviews on the shake prior- and most were really good- and yes, most were from Beachbody Coaches- so I knew they may be biased. However, all the girls in my challenge group were regular customers like me, and they seemed to like the shake as well. I was really bummed that there wasn't a vanilla flavor. I ordered Chocolate. As I learned more, I understood it gave me my full multivitamin, 4-5 servings of veggies, all ingredients were derived from whole foods, had protein, prebiotics, fiber, and nothing artificial (which is why they can not make a vanilla flavor). At the end of the first month, I had lost 12 lbs. I was really nervous, since the shake was PRICEY... but I did not want to give it up. I felt better than ever. Well, it is almost 8 months later, 33 lbs later, no colds, flu, or sicknesses, my hair and nails are amazing, and I still drink it! AHHH!

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Top 20 Snacks!

Prepare, Prepare, Prepare. You never want to have one of those days when you eat really well all day, get stuck in traffic on the way home and find yourself munching on a bag of chips. By the time you get home, the bag of chips is nearly empty. All that “eating well” all day suddenly goes down the drain. Now you are disappointed, skip your workout (because you think, “what’s the use?”).

When it comes to snacking… and when your body is saying “I WANT A SNACK”… it is usually right- on, you are a little hungry, and can’t wait for the next meal. So you need a little something to hold you over. Think of a snack in that way… just a little something until you can have your next meal.

Clean out your kitchen… and place appealing things that are healthy at eye-level in your fridge- like washed berries, grapes, carrots, and cheese sticks.

When you get those little “nudges” from your belly telling you to have a snack… what it really wants is something worth-while. Feed it what it needs. Something with a little protein is always a good option (think almonds, turkey jerky, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, or string cheese). It may need some nutrients like potassium – think bananas!

We are all busy. So prepare! Make sure you have some of these key snacks available to you (at work), (at home), and in the car. Put one in your purse if you are going to your son or daughter’s sporting event. Chances are there are snack machines or snack booths lurking around the corner at these events, tempting your belly “nudges” to purchase something from them. Having something in your purse ahead of time will prevent the temptation.

Make sure your house always has: snack size baggies, ice packs, and portable containers to put snacks in.

My Top 20 Snacks

1)      Banana

2)      Ultimate Rice Cake (Multigrain Rice Cake) 2 TBSP PB2 or Just Great Stuff Powdered PB (reconstituted), with ½ banana sliced on top

3)      100 calorie pack plain or cocoa almonds

4)      1 serving of plain non-fat greek yogurt with 2 TBSP sugar free jam (I love raspberry)

5)      Turkey Jerky

6)      Carrot Sticks (put them in the mini snack bags) with hummus

7)      Homemade trail mix: Dark Chocolate Morsels, 8 plain almonds, dried cranberries, couple pretzel sticks (put in a snack size baggie- store in fridge if it is summer time so the chocolate does not melt).

8)      Take a P90X bar- slice into 4 slices and place in separate baggies for a quick yummy treat (70 calories)

9)      Grapes

10)   Berries

11)   Smart Pop popcorn (definitely recommend putting these in baggies in 1 portion sizes) it can be easy to go to town on the whole bag (OR Pirates Booty- single serve bags).

12)   Clementine oranges

13)   Homemade Granola Treats: (2 ripe bananas, 1 cup of quick oats, 1 TBSP honey, 2-3 TBSP PB2 (Reconstituted), handful of dried cranberries, handful of dark chocolate morsels OR 1- 100 calorie cocoa almonds - crushed, mix together, and place in 6 cup- disposable or reusable cupcake tin (3/4 way full)- place in freezer) grab and go for a quick snack.

14)   String cheese (low fat)

15)   Low Fat Cottage Cheese with S/F raspberry jam

16)   ½ banana covered with plain Greek yogurt and cinnamon/ truvia mixture then roll in crushed almonds. Place in freezer.

17)   Apple slices with ½ TBSP honey drizzled and cinnamon/ truvia mixture- warm in microwave

18)   WASA multigrain cracker, 1 TBSP light miracle whip, tomato slice, and ½ ounce low-sodium turkey breast, sprinkle with pepper.

19)   Raisins

20)   1 dark chocolate square

Sunday, August 12, 2012

10 Tips on Motivation...

Ever wake up and say... "Today I am going to workout!" ? Then you either hit snooze, or (if it is the weekend) you go to the computer, log in to facebook or amazon sipping on your coffee (similar to what I am doing now), and all of the sudden it is 11am and you have 100 other things you need to get done that day? We are human, so I am guessing this happens to more people than just myself!

So if you have read my post on writing a goal... you have already done the most critical thing when it comes to putting that goal into action. If you haven't read it... read that first, then come back to this post :).

It was difficult to narrow this list down to just 10 tips... but here are the most effective I have found (not only for myself) but other people that I have worked with on health and fitness goals.

1) Prep Ahead. Lay out your workout gear the night before, and have them in site when you wake up. Also, know what you will need or not need as far as fuel (food/ water) before you begin your morning workout. If you MUST eat prior, choose something low on the glycemic index, and under 100 calories. I usually have a slice of ezekiel toast and 1/2 cup of coffee. I figure I can eat a bigger breakfast after I finish my workout.

2) When you wake up (or if this happens to be in the evening or afternoon) remind yourself of how good you felt when you finished your workout the last time you did it. What a sense of accomplishment you had!

3) At least try to do the warm up. Chances are... you'll start moving and decide to finish the entire workout. If not, at least you got a part of it done.

4) If it is one of those days where you really really do not feel like working out (you are coming up with every possible excuse), do a workout that you know you enjoy. I know what you are thinking, "a workout I enjoy!? There are none!" You will find one, trust  me... it took me most of my life to find one! I love group exercise... specifically Turbo Kick. To get me to run that track in high school/ middle school would have been a miracle. If only they had had Turbo Kick in gym! I also have a few select dvd workout programs that I really love as well.

5) The best way to stay accountable is to find a workout buddy. Find someone that will motivate you (and not come up with excuses). Sometimes this takes some time to find just the right person. Go to the gym together, have them come over and do the dvd with you... OR friend them on "My Fitness Pal" and log in your workouts and share them with each other... later in the week schedule a coffee date as a reward for both of your hard work (and stick to coffee, avoid the pasteries :) ).

6) Set a "mini" goal Sunday Night. I will do "X amount" of workouts this week. 3 cardio (list which ones), and 2 strength training (list which ones).

7) Put them in your calander like a non-negotiable appointment. I learned this one from Chalene Johnson. Especially with some of us having families to take care of, life is super hectic. However, you wouldn't cancel your dentist appointment, right??? Sunday night... put them in your calander... times and days you will workout. Plan how long the workout will take you. That is your time that nobody can interrupt!

8) Download New Music. Sometimes a new tune is just the motivation we need to start a workout for the day!

9) Clear a workout space. Working out at home? Designate a room for your workouts. Clear it out so you have no excuse to workout! Sometimes just knowing that you have that special area will be enough motivation to begin.

10) Post your goals where you know you will see them everyday. On your dvd player, on the coffee pot, the back drop on your phone. Everyday is a step closer to acheiving your goal!

** ONE LAST TIP: As the time ticks away while you get caught up in something else... say to yourself... "The last hour I spent on _________ I could have gotten ________ workout done!". In fact, there is a saying that goes... "If you worked out when you were first thinking about, you'd be done by now". Put down what you are doing and PUSH PLAY!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Selecting a workout program..

As far as selecting a workout program.. it really depends on what your fitness goal is. For me, I created a Fitness Program Wish list:
1) I knew I needed to lose weight which meant= majority of the at home program needed to be cardio/ fat burn
2) I wanted something fun that I knew I wouldn't quit after the first day.
3) I typically like programs with female trainers, good music, or that are VERY motivational- another reason to make sure I go back to it on Day 2! :)
4) A program that is versatile with length of time for each workout(some days are crazy, and I only have 20 minutes or even less)! Therefore, I needed something that was good for days when I had enough time to dedicate 1 hour, and good for days when I only had 20 minutes or less! These were all factors I considered when choosing my first program.
I recommend that everyone kind of make a "wish list" almost like you do when you buy a house before you pick a workout program. When I selected my second program, I considered the following:
1) I need to tone/ improve strength
2) I need something that will challenge me, now that my endurance has increased
3) With the last program, there was a 2 minute drill in the middle section of the workout at a high intensity, and I actually like drills and feel that is how I increased some of my endurance levels.
4) I need to continue something with good music/ or a motivational trainer.
Luckily, with pretty much every single Beachbody program, the motivational trainer thing isn't difficult to find. Sean T (Insanity & Rockin' Body), Tony Hortin (P90X), and Chalene Johnson (Turbo Jam & Turbo Fire), are all very motivational. As far as good music,you'll find that more with Sean T, and Chalene Johnson. Once you have made your "wish list" and it reflects what your ultimate goal is, here is a great chart that breaks it down with everything you may have requested from your "wish list". Here is the link to the chart:
I understand how important selecting a good program is, because it is an investment in your time, money, & most importantly health & fitness! Click on the tabs above to view which programs fall into each category. For example: If you are looking for something quick, click on the tab "Express" and each program that is "express" will be listed with a brief description. From there, make a list of a few "potentials", and then read the full descriptions of them under "Fitness Programs"
I hope you found this helpful. If you need further assistance with finding a good workout program, message me on facebook or pop me an email at: . I check my messages daily!

Friday, April 6, 2012

A common place...

Early 20's & not a care in the world. Trying to prove that we could make it on our own to our families, friends, and anyone else we felt was watching. Something all brought us in one common place, that for a short glimpse of our life- became home. One institution: The United States Marine Corps weaved our lives together during this glimpse of our lives. Whether we were the one enlisted, or the spouse of one enlisted, we were all somehow brought to this place to meet one another, bond on some level, and then move on with our lives.
We came from all parts of the US, and listened to one another's stories about what life was like back home, what our friend's were up to, what our families were like. For those of us married, our friends back home thought we were crazy getting married so young, but here nobody judged or mentioned anything of the sort... it was the norm.
This common place happened to be this spec on the map called, Havelock, North Carolina. Home of Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station. Some of us had gotten there before others, and some came and went... but this was our place, our journey for however long we were there for.
For me, I embraced the Southern roots that Havelock had to offer. Squirming as I jumped into a (probably extremely filthy) river where a huge playground for kids of all ages had been built holding hands with another Marine Corps wife (it was a play at your own risk type of thing). Spending days at the ocean with whoever was able to go on that day. Eating at Bojangles (oh yes, greasy, greasy, greasy)! Finding jobs that would bring home some extra money like waitressing the lunch rush at Andy's Cheese steaks on the Marine Corps Base serving Burgers ("all the way") which included, slaw, chili, mustard, and onions. And during my job interview, I had to have that memorized! I also did some mentoring to further my experience in human services.
Having card nights till all hours in the morning, because nobody was there to tell us we couldn't. Even if it was on the roof of our house! Trying to raise puppies (because it seemed there was an overabundance of strays around town), having not a clue what to do with the poor animal- and here I am 8 years later, and she is part of my family! Attending the Marine Corps ball (even if it wasn't with my husband)! Planning extravagant proposals, yes, a typical weekend :)
Grieving a devastating loss together, and just knowing we weren't alone.
No matter what direction life took us in (for some they are still a part of the Marine Corps, other's have moved back home, some are no longer with their spouse) but that is okay... because that is life- forever changing and always dynamic.
For that moment in time, we shared a common place... Havelock, NC. More than a common place, we shared a short period of our lives with one another...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Do Dreams Really Come True???

"Find a passion and pursue it"... this is what I am reading at the moment on my wall hanging on my office (at home) as I am writing this. This office did not exist nearly 60 days ago. Although, it is not much of an office (I admit), and- don't get me wrong, I do complete work in here, I just (kinda/ sorta) am currently not really making any money on the things I am working on. Disappointing, huh? Well, not necessarily! Don't stop reading yet, because at the end, you'll understand why I wrote about not making money...

As I was working out last night/ learning a new choreography for my Turbo Kick class, Chalene Johnson (creator of Turbo Kick) stated in the beginning of the DVD... "if you don't feel like working out, at least try doing the warm up section, and once you start moving you may just change your mind..." How true is that? I think that is kind of what got me moving- not just working out. Accomplishing one goal sort of led into setting another, and another, and another...

To give you some kind of background on myself, I should confess my profession- I am a full time Social Worker currently working in the Mental Health Field (I start a new job this week as a Child Screener). I spent nearly 7 years of my life, studying this field, interning, and also working in this field before I finally graduated with my Master's Degree, and began working full time (in 2009). Before Social Work, and even while in college, I was a pretty "happy - go - lucky" person. As far as my health- I was running in 5k's , 8k's, and taking aerobics classes nearly 4 nights per week! As far as Social Work, I enjoy what I do for the most part. I can not say that I hate this career path I have chosen. At some point, something happened though- (for the sake of this blog- we will call it a "satisfaction tank'), my "satisfaction tank" was not being filled. Some days are rewarding and wonderful, but most days are draining, exhausting, and frustrating, (not necessarily because of what I do) but because of the things in the background... the politics, if you will. I am not an unrealistic person, and understand that every job comes with it's fair share of stress... but something just didn't feel right in my life (and that's just me). In the summer of 2010, I can honestly say things just got worse. My moods, and emotions were just out of whack, continuing into the fall of 2010 when I began to seek counseling, and actually attempted a few rounds of antidepressants. My way of coping with my stress was to go out for dinner, order food, or cook a big unhealthy dinner. I would leave the office on lunch to get fast food, or bring in left over pizza from the night before. I was trying desperately to fill my "satisfaction tank"... which only left me more unsatisfied because I would go to bed at night feeling guilty, and ashamed of my unhealthy patterns.

This past fall (2011) I was the most I had ever weighed, almost 172. None of my clothes fit, and I dreaded buying all new pants in a snug size 14. What I looked like, didn't even compare to how I felt- not only about my self, but my life in general. I thought to myself- if nothing about your job/ career is going to change, you are going to have to start working on other areas of your life!!! So many times, I wanted to shake myself and say, "WAKE UP"!. I run group therapy sessions and have done so for almost 3 years now. How many times did I sit in a group and preach to practice good self care? To do more of what you enjoy, to create a daily plan and incorporate things that make you happy into it. I could go on, and on because I nearly have those groups/ lectures memorized!

In a desperate attempt to make things better, I joined a 90 day fitness challenge in November 2011. I laugh thinking because number 1, I really didn't want to spend the money on it, but the week prior to the challenge, I probably spent $30 going out to eat, having my last "hoorah" before I began. I won't go into detail on my challenge- but just a quick run down, I had an online support group, an at home workout program, a meal plan, a personal coach, and a shake that I drank daily. The structure that this added to my life was unbelievable. I made this a priority every single day- because I knew it was making me feel better! The motivation from the positive other- like-minded individuals in my group was a life saver for me. When I didn't feel like working out, we all motivated each other. When I had big temptations in front of me, I got support. When I gave in to temptation and wanted to give up.... we helped each other get back on track. The healthy habits I created which improved my mood was just like this little tiny push I needed that eventually led me down a completely different life path. I thought to myself, "hell- if I hit my goal of another pound lost, I can start applying for new jobs", "if I can do 20 squats now, I can do this". You hear about a moment of clarity... I was having many, many moments, and my wheels were turning about the goals I wanted to accomplish. Why do I allow myself to be miserable in my career??... was the biggest question I asked myself.

I would set my mind on little mini goals to accomplish. My first one was to get certified to teach my favorite form of aerobic exercise, "Turbo Kick" by Powder Blue Productions. I registered for the certification (a 9 hour day in a town nearly 2 hours away). I signed up with intentions of going with a friend, and when my friend could not attend... (the old "me" would have not gone), I went anyway!

The next thing I decided to do was become a coach just like the one I had in my 90 day fitness challenge, I signed up for that and am currently working on a web page for this business.

After signing up as a coach, I knew I would need the computer more, and using it on the couch in our living room was not working out so well, so I took on the huge unbearable task of cleaning out our mini spare room (which was previously a mess of a closet)... clothes occupying all corners, and all over the floor. It was converted (with the help of my wonderful fiance) into an office within a week!

Well, of course I wanted to use my Turbo Kick Certification to teach aerobics classes. I checked out a old dance studio for rent in Sinclairville (which is only about 10 minutes from where I currently reside)... and thought about somehow renting it to teach a variety of classes. I put together a dream board of what I wanted to offer, memberships, classes, a shake/ water bar, etc. Unfortunately, there are lots of mini steps I need to take before I even begin to pursue this... and it just doesn't happen over night. Could I even break even paying $350 a month in rent? And I certainely can not quit my full time job... and then how would I have the time to teach classes, and devote to this studio? It was discouraging. Then I realized... I didn't lose my 25 lbs overnight. This was something that would need to start slow, and build.... and this is currently what I am working on.

Right now, I currently teach Turbo Kick at the local high school to build experience and clientele two nights per week. I have a small online 90 day challenge group with about 6 ladies in it. I continue with the coaching, and I am saving $ to make my dream come true, breaking things into small pieces... CPR certification, AFAA Primary Group Exercise Certification, PiYo Strength Certification, etc. etc. these are all goals in progress. March 31, 2012 I am throwing my first "Fitness Party" to explain my coaching and do a Turbo Kick Class to get people interested in what I am pursuing. I enlisted help to build my own website, and working on this goal is what keeps me sane, it is what makes my other "job" aka career more enjoyable because I know I can come home and be happy, and that someday this WILL become a reality.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Things I eat...

Okay, this may seem like a strange post... or kind of like a "know it all" type of post. But really what my goal is, is to give some of you some ideas for some very easy healthy and quick meals. I want to share with you some of the ways I have created a healthier lifestyle. I am not a nutriationalist or a professional, so really all these are - are simply suggestions.

1) Download the free app: Calorie Counter by FatSecret. You can scan in barcodes on foods, search for items, find fast food stuff, and it sets you up for your weight/ height/ lifestyle, and gives you a caloric range to shoot for depending on your goal.
2) Breakfast: This is one meal I can NOT skip! I usually pick one of two things: weight control oatmeal (maple brown sugar is my fav. but it comes in banana bread, and cinnamon), I add skim milk to the oatmeal and 1/2 sliced banana. OR the Butterfinger Recipe Chocolate Shakeology by Beachbody. I still *gasp* have to drink my coffee, so I usually pair my breakfast with that.
3) Mid-Morning Snack: Rice Cake, or a reduced fat cheese stick ("string cheese")
4) Lunch: Grilled Chicken salad with baby spinach, iceburg lettuce, fit and active grilled chicken bites from Aldi (they are frozen- I cook them in the morning before work in the oven, wrap them in foil and refridgerate them at work), sprinkle of reduced fat cheese, low fat or fat free dressing, craisons, and just a dash of those new tortilla strips that are found by the croutons to add a little crunch. OR a "BL"- an arnold round (multigrain) sandwhich thin with reduced fat miracle whip, pepper, 1/2 slice of reduced fat provolone, 2 to 3 slices of microwavable turkey bacon, and lettuce (or instead of the bacon, I will have low sodium ham). OR the Shakeology if I did not have it for breakfast. Sometimes I will pair my lunch with a fruit or a greek yogurt or both, and a sprinkle of low fat granola! (Bare Naked Vanilla Almond). Sometimes an egg salad sandwhich will work as well on the arnold round for my lunch, and the recipe is posted in one of my other blogs!
5) Afternoon Snack: I try to fight this snack becuase I like to have an early dinner, so I try to drink decaf tea in the afternoon. If this doesn't work, and I need something more, sometimes I'll have a couple pretzles, or a fiber bar.
6) Dinner: Scrambled Egg Whites are usually my go-to dinner, with a little fat free cheese (Obviously I love cheese), pepper, parsley, maybe even some onion, paired with 1/2 arnold round, and maybe some steamed brocolli. The egg white is also awesome with the deli sweet onion salsa that is found in the refridgerated section in the supermarket. A low sodium, low fat soup with a side salad is also a good dinner. OR if I am in a super rush, I will make a quick smoothie. I have a variety of kinds I like to make! Boca Burgers on an arnold round with a light condement, and some lettuce or onion is also a great dinner, side with veggies! To get my craving satisfied for "fried foods" I keep "crunchtables" in the freezer. These are my treat every so often. They are breaded veggies that you bake in the oven. Brocolli, carrots (be careful, the zucchini one is higher in fat)!... and they are yummmmmmmyyyy!!!
7) Evening Snack: I try to fight this off as well, but if I must I will have some fat free popcorn with a dash of that powdered flavoring. I love the jalepenio chedder one!! OR a clemintine orange may do the trick!

Hope this helped, and gave you some ideas for healthy/ quick/ easy meals. I am a far cry from the girl who used to order pizza several nights a week, go for wings, tacos, etc!!! And even when I would try to "eat healthy", I would eat smart ones frozen dinners ALLLLL the time! They are just not that great for you! I do have them occassionaly, especially if I am in a huge rush, but these options are a lot better, and they aren't that hard to do!