Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 2 Beachbody Ultimate Reset

Hmm…. What to say about day 2? Not as many mistakes, so that is good-
the only mistake was having some gum and sugar free mints (another
thing you can't have), but I considered that progress from the many
mistakes yesterday had!

SECTION 1: Meals: Breakfast: Oatmeal with Blueberries, Yogurt with
Maple Syrup. (LOVED this breakfast)! Taste= 5, Satisfaction =4 (I did
get a tad hungry before lunch). Lunch: Grilled chicken salad. Taste= 3
(could have been a 5, but I didn't chop and put in as many veggies as
yesterday's salad, and used the same dressing- which is still super
garlic-y). Dinner: Southwest Black Bean Tacos, side of mashed 

avocado and salsa (I made 2, I was hungry)! Taste=5 (amazing),
Satisfaction 4= I think I might need to have an apple before 8pm.
Even though I have already had my 1 snack for a day. :(

Section 2: Thoughts/ Feelings: As you read on Day 1, I started off the
day being really tired. I honestly didn't even think I was going to
make it through work, I just wanted to go back to bed more than
anything in the world. I also woke up extremely sore in my shoulders/
neck. Felt like you do the day after you work hard in the gym (but it
was only in that one area). Certainly it could not be from my run,
when I run, usually only my legs are sore the next day. It is a side
affect from the supplements, and reading about it, it should subside
in a day or two. I didn't have any headaches, so I am thankful for
that! I think being tired really played on my mood, as I just felt
defeated all day. I wanted to eat to get my energy back, but I
couldn't! I wasn't hungry, it was just a mental thing. Around 3pm
though, things started to shift, I got a little energy back and felt
better, I just was excited that dinner was coming.

Section 3: How I got through the day: I had to take a cat nap on my
lunch. I should have never ran yesterday, as I think that increased my
tiredness today. Also, even though I was so tired this morning, it wore

off I the evening, and I am looking forward to a relaxing night home...
ready to watch "The Voice"

 Section 4: What I have learned/ Progress: Progress- not as many mistakes
as yesterday. I have learned that it is difficult to cook when you are really
hungry and manage taking all of the supplements required.... my best tip
is to set an alarm on your phone for the supplements, and to pre-cook
some of the food before your work week starts!

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