Saturday, January 23, 2010

Food Addiction

So Saturday's seem to be my blog days. One of the groups I run is a chemical/ alcohol addiction group. We were talking about relapse dreams yesterday. Having a dream of using again and waking up not sure if it was real or not.

I have been on weight watchers for about 15 weeks now. I regretfully gained almost 35 lbs when I moved in with my boyfriend last year. Can food be an addiction? Sure, it is different then drugs and alcohol... but honestly I felt like it was from oh about April 2009- September 2009. I have been doing pretty well so far and I have lost 18 lbs. I am still about ten pounds away from my goal weight and I am at a standstill, and have been for about 2 weeks!

While talking about relapse dreams yesterday, I could not stop thinking about the dreams I have had about food. Going to bed and my stomach was growling, watching tempting pizza hut commercials before bed, and dreaming that I just ate all of those delicious foods- then waking up thinking- CRAP! I had a feast yesterday and sabotaged my diet! Then I quickly am able to set my self straight.

So in the midst of thinking about relapse dreams, I came home from work and ate a bunch of chips and chocolate. YIKES! Today, it is back on track and since I am at a "standstill" point, I have to push myself a little harder at the gym.

I honestly don't know how those with chemical/ alcohol addiction do it. I really admire their strength and lifelong recovery commitment.

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