Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 2: Solutions to barriers

Day 2-

Good Morning! I am feeling quite tired this morning. Yesterday, I have to admit was a rough day. Not because it was my start to re-commitment. That part of the day was just fine. Things were difficult emotionally- personal stuff, and I didn’t get a good night’s sleep OR a chance to work out which really wasn’t a great start. However, the eating part (which is my biggest struggle anyway) was pretty good. I’ll give myself a 7 out of 10.

My meals yesterday:

Breakfast: Chocolate Shakeology with unsweetened almond milk (vanilla) and a ½ banana. (250 calories)

Snack: Special K Protein Bar/ Coffee with sugar free creamer (150 calories)

Lunch: Weight Control Oatmeal w/ ½ banana (I choose this “instant” brand because it has a higher protein count than others). 1 slice of Ezekiel cinnamon raisin toast with a few sprays of butter (290 calories)

Snack: Grapes & carrot slices with hummus (200 calories)

Dinner: Homemade Guacamole (1/4 of a guacamole with chopped red onion, cilantro, garlic salt, lime juice), black beans, reduced fat cheese, hot sauce, and non-fat plain greek yogurt in a whole wheat wrap (300 calories)

Dessert: (I am a sucker for dessert) 1 vitabrownie with natural peanut butter (100 calories)

TOTAL: 1290 calories

Today I have to teach TWO back-to-back classes at the Y tonight. This is where I really struggle because it completely interferes with my ideal dinner time. J I leave work at 4:30pm (I suppose I could eat a little light dinner at this time), my first class starts at 5:30pm-6:30pm. The next class is from 6:45pm-7:45pm. After my drive home from work, I am home around 8:30pm (wayyy to late in my mind for a dinner).

Here is today’s plan: I will have a 200 calorie meal around 4:45pm. When I leave class, I will carrots and hummus to munch on during my ride home. When I get home, I will have something really lite (Ezekiel toast or some popcorn).

1st Barrier solved! (FINGERS CROSSED- I’ll fill you in tomorrow on how it went)… Okay, so yesterday, you identified your “WHY”… today list some potential “road blocks” or “barriers” that would pop up that would prevent you from hitting your goal

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