An out of shape aerobics instructor:
Yes, it has been one hell of a long winter. However, I am not one to make excuses for what has occurred this winter. November 2011, I changed my lifestyle, made really healthy changes (no dieting) just eating cleaner, counting my intake, and exercising more. I also began strength training. I went from 171 lbs to 138 lbs by July 2012. That is a loss of 33 lbs. I had never felt better!
This past winter of 2012/ 2013, my exercising continued pretty faithfully, but my eating habits slllloooowwly declined. I made one poor choice after another. I learned a lot about myself. When I want something that I know isn't good for me, I really can't just have one serving, or one "piece" of the "pie", or "slice of pizza", or "cake". Okay, maybe, only one slice of cake (I don't have a HUGE sweet tooth), it is more of the pizza, wings, subs, or chips that tend to get me in trouble. I think to myself… "crap, I ruined today, so what is one more slice?" I also say, "hell, what is the point of working out today? I already ate like crap"… Can you relate? Or am I completely alone on this? J yeah, total irrational thinking.
If I want to be honest, my current weight is 156.6 lbs (as of this morning). I am a huge believer in- not focusing ALL on the number on the scale, but checking how clothing fits, how you feel. Truth is, I do FEEL okay, besides a belly ache on the days I eat horrible J I can still run a 5K in pretty good time, and my strength is still in good condition. Clothing is a different story. My work pants are tighter, truth is, I want to wear yoga pants to work! The worst of it is, I teach aerobics (3 classes per week) at our local Y. All I can think is, HOW EMBARRASSING, they MUST be seeing my body changing… I am smack dab in the front & center in the mirror every week, all eyes on me! I am supposed to be setting a good example, right?
Every week, I go through a phase, where I do great a few days in a row, working out, eating clean… then I go through a few days where I completely (not just a little) BLOW it! I finally told myself, ENOUGH! I need the better days to out weigh the bad, and if I have a little "screw up", I refuse to let it ruin my ENTIRE day. See, there is a difference… I need to expect to have days that might not be perfect, but I need to watch how I react to that… and be careful about not letting it ruin my whole day.
So today, 3/27/13… starts my re-commitment, back on my journey to health and fitness. This girl has GOALS… (which I will define momentarly) that make re-committing totally and completely WORTH it.
I totally believe in creating a "WHY" goal. WHY is it so important to recommit? What am I doing this for? What am I working toward… Here are my WHY's:
1) Fit better in those work pants!
2) Get Healthy / and fit before considering to have a family/ pregnancy
3) Run my best 5K time
4) Set a good example for my aerobic students
5) Complete the Tough Mudder in July
Want to join me in this journey? Jot down some of your WHY's… and be sure to check in every day, as I will post up-dates, tips, progress, etc.
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